Join the claim

We act for Tesco employees who worked or work in Tesco stores throughout England, Wales and Scotland.

Join the claim

What is the legal case against Tesco?

We act for Tesco employees who work or worked in Tesco stores throughout England, Wales and Scotland and who are bringing claims for equal pay under the Equality Act 2010.

In-store roles tend to be performed by women, whereas warehouse roles tend to be performed by men. We understand that Tesco store workers have been paid less per hour than comparable Tesco warehouse workers, and that sometimes the difference in pay is as much as £3 per hour. Our clients wish to be paid equally with their male colleagues.

Tesco has indicated that it will defend the claimants’ claims vigorously. It is likely to take many months and even years until the dispute is resolved. However, Tesco has also said that it has already taken steps to ensure that it does not subject any employees to adverse treatment as a result of bringing an equal pay claim.

Why should I join?

Here are three main reasons to join the claim:

  1. Compensation. You may be entitled to benefits including back pay for up to six years, as well as an improvement in your hourly rate of pay going forwards. How much you can claim will depend on things like how long you have worked for Tesco, but most claims will be worth over £1,000.

  2. Equality. Taking action raises awareness of equal pay issues. Without high profile cases, employers’ attitudes are unlikely to change.

  3. Accountability. Bringing a claim holds employers to account if they have chosen to reward men and women differently for work of equal value.


You may have been paid between £1 and £3 per hour less than you should have been. If you multiply that by the hours you have worked in the last six years (or five years in Scotland) you can get a rough idea of how much your claim could be worth. Most claimants are seeking more than £5,000. Your claim might be worth less or more; it will depend on lots of factors, including how many hours you worked, how long you worked at Tesco, and with which distribution role it is most appropriate to compare your job.

We will also seek an improvement in your pay going forwards, if you still work at Tesco.


The claim is no win, no fee.


You can join the Tesco equal pay claim if:​

  • You work for Tesco now, or have worked for Tesco in the last 6 years (5 in Scotland)
  • Your job is / was in a Tesco store
  • You were paid at an hourly rate


Click here to register for the claim

Frequently asked questions

You can continue to work for Tesco at the same time as bringing a claim.

Tesco has confirmed in writing that it will not subject anyone who brings an equal pay claim to adverse treatment. Exercising your right to claim should not affect your ongoing employment in any way.

If you feel that you are being treated differently by your employer as a result of your claim, please contact us immediately.

Tesco is not the only supermarket facing an equal pay challenge.

There are cases presently being brought against Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons. Of the three cases, the furthest advanced is Asda where the claimants have established that their jobs may be compared to the jobs of their warehouse/depot colleagues. The Asda case is not over yet, but so far progress has been good.

Your security is of the utmost importance to us. We will never:

  • Ask for your bank details over the telephone.
  • Request you to make a payment to us.
  • Ask for a payment to be made to a crypto wallet.

Please be wary of unexpected or unsolicited communications, especially if they:

  • Request personal or financial information.
  • Create a sense of urgency.

If you are unsure that the communication is genuine, please contact Harcus Parker through our main website

No. You can register to be part of the claim whether or not you are a member of a union.

Yes! Your claim will be a ‘piggyback’ claim, based on the idea that if women doing store work succeed in their claim for higher pay, it would be unfair if male store workers’ pay did not rise too. Although your claim will depend upon female claimants winning their claims, it is possible to lodge your claim now, at the same time as the women’s claims.

Yes, provided that you did not leave your employment with Tesco more than 6 years ago (5 years ago if you live in Scotland).